The theory that resonates with me the most is the value of promoting innovation, as it sheds a light on diversity. This value allows everyone a chance to feel confident in their creativity no matter what their background is. This is implemented in today's time in the media as culture interest continues to enhance with film, books, music, gaming and user generated content. Film has become more accessible with more sources to watch on different streamlines. Books are able to be read with the use of technology now and are marketed best on social media. Music which has helped society mainly be more creative for the lister and the performer. There is also a variety of steaming platforms which allows artists to make more and for listeners to have more of a preference. Gaming, which in the past few years has had a substantial amount of growth because of the virtual attributions included. As a business model, gamers of all cultures can connect and interact with each other. Lastly user generated content which is a global innovation in today’s time on social media as it shines a light on creation. It is very impactful for corporations and their consumers can partake in a unique way on a platform that is accessible and powerful.
Doing group activities with other people is another way I've seen promoting innovation. While completing a group project, doing volunteer work and especially something to fully look forward to in the workforce. Browsing through LinkedIn I found an article written by Justin Massaba discussing being a leader while promoting innovation at your workplace. What I learned was that you have to encourage creativity, be a risk taker, promote different ideas and know collaboration is key. Which is of value because this helps as the world continues to change at a rapid pace. Leaders inspire and are a part of the development of welcoming new ideas that provide new opportunities, while most importantly fostering culture.
To be successful in today's society you have to be a leader, even outside of your workplace. Being a Strategic Communications major I find this one to be very personable because I believe everyone has something that they can add while working with a team. Different people from all walks of life have something new and inspiring to add in today's time. Before entering the workforce after college, the additional research that I have done helped me understand how to promote innovation. It is important that we always have that as it will help with strong communication and an environment where creativity can flourish.
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